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Phones in business meetings – an evil distraction or an asset?

You know the scenario all too well: a middle manager giving a rather bland presentation about the most recent numbers, marketing strategies, supply chain issues, blah blah blah. You try to listen, you really do, but it all starts to sound the same. It’s easy to let your mind wander…

Suddenly, the manager turns and says ‘And Johnson will present the most recent sales figures, Johnson? Johnson?’ Johnson is staring at his phone, not paying attention.

Like it or not, these days, mobile technology often seems to be as much of a distraction as it is an asset. With so much information available anywhere, anytime, it’s hard to know what’s useful and what’s not.

Rather than pass judgment on mobile devices in the workplace, why don’t you embrace all the tools you have, and make sure they’re put to good use?

We have some ideas for how to do just that.

·Did you know that you can present on the big screen directly from your mobile phone using NovoConnect solution? A simple wireless connection to the Novo unit allows you to share content with everyone, rather than just showing your screen to your neighbour, or passing it around the table.

·To share notes, files, even pictures and videos from your recent conference or tradeshow, there’s no need to download and email everything – just use NovoConnect’s file sharing feature to send the files to everyone at the meeting, easily and wirelessly.

·NovoConnect solution allows you to comment and annotate on the big screen directly from your mobile phone, tablet or laptop. Capture everything with the Snapshot feature, so you’ll never have to worry about taking and saving notes.


·Beyond simply avoiding distractions, with the right solutions, mobile devices can prove powerful tools for collaboration and productivity in the workplace. NovoConnect solution by Vivitek offers a powerful collaboration solution based on the ‘BYOD’ concept.


Unfortunately, even NovoConnect can’t keep Johnson from checking the latest football scores, however, with the flexible and powerful collaboration tools offered by NovoConnect, he can quickly connect and engage again, even using just his mobile to present or share the football scores with rest of the team!